Vacuum pump fluids Keywords

Service Repair Diffusion pumps Rotary vane pumps America Asia pacific Europe

Singshine Industrial Chemicals vacuum oil SingShine Silicones Inc. -
- 1409 14F Bengbu Building 1011# Huaihe Road, Bengbu City, Anhui Province, China 233000

David Stern, Managing Director, email, Tel. +86-552-2061497

Our corporation was set up in 1992 by the technological elites of the former state-owned organic silicon factory in Bengbu, China. Since the company was founded, we have long-term commitment to organic silicon products research and development, production and marketing of new products with strong R & D capability, customers can order the products of unconventioanal silicone product specifications.
products: Diffusion pump oil
  • 274# Vacuum Diffusion Pump Oil
  • 275# Vacuum Diffusion Pump Silicone Oil

Shanghai HuiFeng vacuum oil Shanghai HuiFeng Petroleum & Chemical Co., Ltd -
- 75-1Fan Yu Road, Shanghai 200052, China

Tel. (86-21)62109273

Shanghai HuiFeng Petroleum & Chemical specializes in manufacturing lubricant, grease. The company devote to meet the lubricating requirement of modern industrial equipments. There is a technical team to research and develop new products. Meanwhile, it possesses advanced testing apparatuses and facilities.
products: HFV vacuum pump oil

Yanshan Special Style Luboil Yanshan Special Style Luboil Co.,Ltd -
- No1,Shangdian Road,Dongfeng Street ,Fangshan, Beijing, China 102502

email, Tel.

北京市燕山特种润滑油有限公司,驻地于北京燕山石化工业区,是依靠科技发展起来的科技先导型企业,原名为北京燕山特种润滑油厂,根据体制的改革和经营发展的需要,改为有限公司。资产总额2500万元,全员170人,其中专业工程技术人员52人。是专门生产中、高档特种润滑油的厂家,年生产能力为2万余吨。 企业自八五年起,始终沿着实施科技星火计划这条主线,采用引进高科技与自行研制相结合的经营模式,以科技为先导、科学管理、创一流产品、一流服务,逐年加大科技含量,严格执行国家标准,不断开发研制高新技术产品,如烷基苯型拖拉机液压传动两用油、新型连铸机结晶器油、铜管拉伸油、真空泵油等12个系列...
products: vacuum pump oil

Mechanical pump oil ( SV-100 )
Direct connected pump oil (SV-4 SV-6 SV-8 SV-8H SV-10)



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