VPI vacuum pressure impregnation services Keywords www.vacuum-guide.com

Vacuum impregnation system manufacturers America ASIA PACIFIC Europe

- 7 Joo Koon Crescent, Singapore 629024, Singapore

Mr. B C Bong, email, Tel. (65) 6862 5225

Maintech Engineering & Supplies Pte Ltd (MES) is one of the leaders in the field of electrical and mechanical engineering in this region. We provide complete field maintenance services and workshop repairs to electrical rotating machines such as motors/generators and electrical power equipment including HV & LV switchgear and transformers. The company also undertakes turnkey projects for electrical and mechanical new installation or retrofitting and upgrading of existing equipment.
products: Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI)
  • Vacuum Pressure Impregnation (VPI) system has been used in the high voltage motor and generator manufacturing and service industries for many years. It is the most effective process to-date for removing air, moisture and volatile from the winding prior to varnishing.
  • MES service workshop in Singapore has now equipped with a modern VPI system. Its process tank has a dimension of 2.5 metres diameter x 4.0 metres length, i.e. a volume of 20 cubic metres (700 cubic feet). The VPI system specially designed by the Epoxylite Corporation of USA. The process tank is capable to withstand a working pressure from full vacuum to 7 bars (or 100 psig). The use of Epoxylite #478 solventless resin in our VPI system allows us to obtain a completely filled 100% solid insulation structure and a smooth continuous coating on the external surfaces of the wound coils.
  • With this state-of-the-art VPI system, we are able to provide complete and void free impregnation for form-wound medium (2.3 � 5.0 KV) and high voltage (6.6 � 13.8 KV) stator, rotor and armature winding.



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