chambers electrical feedthroughs mechanical feedthroughs viewports vacuum components AMERICA Asia Pacific Europe

Larson Bellows-to-Glass Adaptors Larson Electronic Glass -
- 2840 Bay Road, Redwood City, CA 94063, USA

email, Tel.
products: Glass to Metal seals

rayotek Rayotek Scientific Inc. -
- 11499 Sorrento Valley Road, San Diego CA 92121, USA

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  • Molded & slumped products - glass, fused quartz, fused silica & borosilicate
  • Press molded glass products - low-cost, high-volume
  • Precision optics & reflector blanks - sapphire, glass, fused quartz, fused silica & borosilicate
  • Sapphire specialty products - micro tubes, rods, shower heads, balls & lenses
  • Polished wafers - sapphire, glass & fused quartz (with & without holes)
  • Sapphire plasma & flash lamps - laser, military & semiconductor applications
  • High-pressure/high-vacuum sealed windows - metal-to-glass & metal-to-sapphire seals
  • Windows - sapphire, glass, fused quartz, fused silica & borosilicate for Semiconductor, furnace, IR & safety applications

Fredericks The Fredericks Company -
- 2400 Philmont Avenue, Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006, USA

email, Tel.

For over 70 years The Fredericks Company has been partnering with OEM customers worldwide to design and develop tilt sensors, vacuum measurement devices and precision custom glass components that serve as critical operating components in their finished product or process. Our vast knowledge of angle and vacuum measurement and advanced technical glass design and manufacturing techniques, across a wide range of markets and application areas, readily enables us to provide the insight and support needed to take design concepts to reality in a cost-effective manner.
products: Glass Products

Tilt Sensors & Electronics
An industry leader in design & development of tilt measurement systems, our tilt sensors are the hallmark of accuracy, repeatability, and reliability. Products include TrueTILT™ metal & glass, single and dual axis, electrolytic tilt sensors, inclinometers, inclination sensors signal conditioning electronics, packaged tilt sensing assemblies, tilt switches, and on/off switches.

Vacuum Measurement & Control
Designed to cover the entire practical measurement range from 10-11 to 10+3 Torr, we offer high quality, vacuum measurement and control instrumentation to meet a wide range of industrial, high-tech, scientific, and military applications.

Custom Glass Capabilities
Our custom glass capabilities are a direct result of innovative manufacturing processes that integrate automatic, semi-automatic and manual assembly techniques. Our products include glass ampules, vials, flares, tubulations, graded seals, glass-to-metal seals, custom components for electron devices, inclinometers, elapsed time indicators, and any other custom glass components.



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