UK Vacuum linear actuator Keywords

manipulators, translation stages UHV motors more vacuum components America Asia Europe

Laser 2000 (UK) Laser 2000 (UK) Ltd -
- Unit 9, Avro Court, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire PE29 6XS, United Kingdom

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Laser 2000 is a world leader in the distribution of photonics products. We provide our customers with products that generate light, modify it, move it, and measure it. We lead the way in innovation by supplying state-of-the-art solutions, utilising the latest photonics and optoelectronic technologies.
products: High Vacuum Motorised Linear Actuators

Zaber devices can be daisy chained inside a vacuum chamber. Only one 5-pin feed-through is needed for several devices. Power to the vacuum devices is transmitted through the data cables, which eliminates the need for extra feed-throughs. Up to 4 daisy-chained devices can be powered in this way. Up to 254 devices can be daisy-chained in total, with additional power connections for every fourth device.

These high vacuum micro linear actuators are compact, precise and robust. They are vacuum compatible to 10-6 torr. They provide up to 8mm/s speed, up to 46N thrust with 25 and 50mm travel.



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